Saturday, September 09, 2006

Help needed !

Just a little post to say, if anyone out there who reads this and can help me to make my Blog look prettier then I would be most grateful. I am new to all of this and have viewed some lovely blogs. I want mine to be pretty too! Please Help!!!!!!!!!


Miss Robyn said...

hi miss charity ~ it took me quite some time to get my blog all my own. lots of playing with the template. I use the 'scribe' template as I find it easy to change and I know it from the back of my hand.
to start changing ~ you need an idea in your head as to what you want. I am willing to help - just email me but I am not an expert on the html stuff - more an experimenter.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Hey Chick,

I hope it's okay I call you so ;-) If you have Miss Robyn to help you you are very lucky. She has helped me too at the beginning and my clever daughter did the rest for me. I can help you with a counter at least lol If you want one, just click on the counter on my blog and there you can choose one for yourself. It's free!